How to Use the Float Play in Online Poker

How to Use the Float Play in Online Poker

Float play is a common strategy in online poker that involves making a bet or a call with a weaker hand or a drawing hand, with the intention of taking the pot away from your opponent later in the hand, typically on a later street when you believe they may be bluffing or have a weaker hand than you. Here’s how to effectively use the float play in online poker:

How to Use the Float Play in Online Poker

1. Understand the Concept of Float Play

– Definition: Floating refers to calling a bet, often on the flop, with the intention of potentially bluffing on a later street when your opponent may show weakness.

– Purpose: The primary aim is to take advantage of aggressive players who may c-bet (continuation bet) frequently but are willing to fold if facing resistance on later streets.

2. Know When to Use Float Play

– Table Dynamics: Use floating against players who are capable of folding to pressure. Target those who c-bet frequently but don’t follow through on later streets.

– Position: Float play is often more effective when you are in a late position, as it gives you more information about your opponent’s actions and intentions.

– The Board Texture: Choose boards that are likely to miss your opponent’s range. If the flop comes out dry or if you think your opponent missed their draw, it can be a great spot to float.

– Your Hand Strength: Ideally, you want to float with a hand that has some potential (like a gutshot straight draw or backdoor flush draw) so that you have something to work with if you hit on the turn.

3. Executing the Float Play

– Pre-Flop: Make sure you are entering pots in favorable positions. A strong range pre-flop can support your decision to float post-flop.

– On the Flop: If your opponent leads out with a bet after the flop, consider calling with the intention of floating. Assess their betting patterns; if they seem like they’re always doing it with weak hands, a float can be a strong play.

4. Choosing the Right Turn Card to Bluff

– Turn Action: After floating, look for the right opportunities on the turn to act. If the turn card either completes a draw or does not improve your hand but creates a favorable story, it may be worth attempting a bluff.

– Evaluate Your Opponent’s Reaction: Watch how your opponent reacts on the turn. If they check after a potentially scary card, this may indicate weakness, providing an excellent opportunity to take control of the pot.

5. Managing Your Risk

– Monitor Your Bankroll: Like any strategy in poker, floating can have ups and downs. Ensure you are managing your bankroll appropriately to withstand variance.

– Avoid Overusing the Strategy: While float play can be a powerful tool, overusing it can render it predictable. Mix it up with more straightforward plays to keep your opponents guessing.

6. Read Your Opponents

– Player Types: Identify player types frequently. Floating works well against players who c-bet a lot with high aggression but are not committed to later streets. Against more passive players, this strategy may be less effective.

– Adjust Based on Experience: Using the float play often gives valuable insight into your opponents’ tendencies. Adapt your floating tendencies to exploit weaknesses you identify.

7. Review and Reflect

– Post-Session Review: After playing sessions, take time to review hands where you floated. Analyze whether it was successful and consider how you could have improved your strategy.

– Learn from Mistakes: Floating is risky, and not every attempt will succeed. Reflecting on your choices and outcomes can help refine your approach and identify when float play is best leveraged.


Float play can be an effective strategy when used in the right situations against the right opponents. By understanding how to identify potential opportunities, manage risks, and read your opponents, you can effectively use float play in online poker to enhance your game and potentially increase your winnings. Remember, poker is a dynamic game—stay adaptable and responsive to the flow of the game!